Construction Management
Construction Management is a delivery system where the owner typically contracts
separately with the designer and contractor. Unlike a “bid” project where the
contractor is hired after designs are completed. The contractor or Construction
Manager (CM) is hired in the pre-construction phase and typically provides
consulting during the planning and design phases in addition to constructing the
project. The CM provides input on costs, constructability and scheduling during
design and planning. Once construction starts the CM oversees all costs,
scheduling and quality for the project through to completion. The typical model
employed in New England is Construction Management “At Risk”. In this system the
CM provides the owner with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). This is the maximum
the project will cost for a given scope. It is now the CM’s responsibility to
work with the designer to control costs because any amount over the GMP will be
absorbed by the CM. The advantage is that if costs are controlled, the savings,
or a set portion, are returned to the owner. The CM provides these services for
a set fee. Construction Management focuses on quality. This starts with the
selection of the designer and construction manager and continues with the
selection of materials, methods and subcontractors.